VOTER VITALS December 2022 Edition – National Tracking Poll
The December 2022 edition of Voter Vitals – a nationwide tracking poll conducted by Locust Street Group for the Partnership for America’s Health Care Future – shows that a majority of voters prefer building on and improving what’s working in health care, earning more support than any other health care proposal. A growing majority of voters would rather build on our current system than create the public option. The majority of voters are also against policymakers in Washington making sweeping changes to our health care system.
- Support for fixing what we have today (67% support, +6% since June) has INCREASED and still earns more support than any government-run proposal.
- A GROWING majority of voters (67%, +4% since June) would still rather build on our current system than create the public option (33%, -4% since June).
- A GROWING majority of voters (76%, +6% since June) – even Democrats (67%, +3% since June) – are UNWILLING to pay more for health care to create a new government health insurance system.
- The vast majority of voters remain CONCERNED about the access, cost, and long-term fiscal impacts of creating the public option or opening up Medicare to younger Americans.
When it comes to what’s next for America’s health care future, it is clear voters do NOT support creating unaffordable, new government-controlled health insurance systems that could raise taxes and health care costs for Americans. Instead, voters want lawmakers to continue building on what’s working in health care to expand access to affordable, high-quality health coverage and care.
To read previous editions of Voter Vitals, CLICK HERE.