July 30, 2019 | Updates

ICYMI: Michigan Voters Oppose Medicare For All & Dem Gov Says It’s Not ‘A Good Idea’

WASHINGTON – As Democratic presidential candidates prepare to take the debate stage in Michigan Tuesday and Wednesday, The Detroit News reports that a new poll reveals that a majority of the state’s voters oppose Medicare for all:

Sanders’ supporters argue he is well-positioned to beat Republican President Donald Trump should he advance to the general election.  But on his signature issue, Michigan general election voters oppose the elimination of private health insurance in favor of a Medicare for All program 52%-37%, according to the poll … Self-described independents, who could play a crucial role in a close general election, oppose the concept 53%-35%.  Trump defeated Clinton by 10,704 votes in Michigan in 2016 and opposes Medicare for All.  “Very clearly, independents are not there on Medicare for All,” said pollster Richard Czuba.  “More importantly, older voters are not there on Medicare for All, and they are by far the most dependable voters in the system.”

Meanwhile, The New York Times reports that Democratic governors – including Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer – are “anxious” and “alarmed that their party’s presidential candidates are embracing policies they see as unrealistic and politically risky.  And they are especially concerned about proposals that would eliminate private health insurance.” 

The governors’ angst offers cautionary signs for the party.  They are often the best-known elected officials in their states and usually are the de facto head of their state parties, which means they wield considerable political clout.  And with many of the governors having been on the ballot last year, they also possess a grasp of what the general electorate wants from Democrats … Noting that many voters were already uneasy about losing their coverage, [Democratic Michigan Governor Gretchen] Whitmer said, “I don’t think feeding into that is a good idea.”

The Washington Post reported recently that by “veer[ing] left,” Democratic presidential hopefuls are “leaving behind [the party’s] successful midterm strategy.”  Labor leaders are warning that a “Democratic nominee who supports replacing private health insurance with a government-run system would lose union voters in battleground states,” while a separate story by The Washington Post notes that “Democrats in swing districts are increasingly worried that the outspoken embrace of Medicare-for-all by Bernie Sanders and other top Democratic presidential hopefuls could hurt their chances of keeping the House in 2020.”

And a poll released by the Partnership for America’s Health Care Future on Monday finds that, by a margin of 72 percent to 23 percent, Michigan voters prioritize improving our current health care system over offering a new government insurance system, often referred to as the “public option.”



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