October 8, 2020 | Updates

New Report: Our Health Care System Is Providing Access To Quality Coverage Options; Let’s Strengthen It, Not Start Over

WASHINGTON – New data from the federal government shows that four million more Americans gained access to affordable, high-quality health coverage and care between February and June.  “More than 2.4 million adults enrolled in Medicaid, an increase of 7.2%. Also, 1.4 million kids signed up for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program, a jump of 4.1%,” CNN reports

The Congressional Budget Office now expects an additional 9 million people to be enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP in 2021, according to updated estimates … Meanwhile, nearly half a million Americans turned to the federal Obamacare exchanges earlier this year after losing health insurance coverage, according to federal data released in June.  Sign-ups spiked in April to more than double the number in prior Aprils, while more people also enrolled in May than in prior years.  Overall, enrollment jumped 46% in the first five months of 2020 compared with the same period the year before.  States that run their own health insurance exchanges also saw increases in sign-ups during special enrollment periods they enacted this year.

Further, a recent study from the Economic Policy Institute reiterates that “public health insurance rolls are expanding to absorb the enormous ESI coverage losses of recent months.”  The study finds that “Medicaid and the individual market have proved to be key alternatives for these people, along with temporary COBRA coverage,” Fierce Healthcare reports.  

During this critical time, we should build on and improve what’s working where private coverage, Medicare, and Medicaid work together to expand access to coverage and care for every American – not start over.


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