All American families deserve a high-quality health care, but a one-size-fits-all new government health insurance system like Medicare for All, the public option or Medicare buy-in would do the opposite: they would force families to pay more to wait longer for worse care.
The Facts:
Medicare for All would cause American families to pay more to wait longer for worse care as they are forced into a one-size-fits-all new government health insurance system controlled by politicians.
And other new government-controlled health insurance systems – like the public option and Medicare buy-in – are not “moderate” alternatives to Medicare for All and could ultimately lead to the same unaffordable consequences over time as Medicare for All would cause overnight.
In fact, a recent study by Tom Church, Daniel L. Heil, and Lanhee J. Chen, Ph.D. of the Hoover Institution with support from the Partnership for America’s Health Care Future reveals that the public option “could require tax increases on most Americans, including middle-income families” and could “add over $700 billion to the 10-year federal deficit.”
The Truth:
Though politicians may argue that a one-size-fits-all new government insurance system would lead to better patient care, Medicare for All, Medicare buy-in and the public option would take choice and control away from patients, while delivering worse care.
We must build on what’s working and fix what’s broken in our current health care system, not start over with a one-size-fits-all government health insurance system that we can’t afford.
Learn more about our fight to protect America’s health care future.